Heading to CES
Gotta write fast…I think. My computer has been freezing up lately, I’m not sure exactly why, but I’ve had it serviced twice and it’s still going on…I’ll have to do some real deep analysis when I get back to Indiana. Speaking of which, I’m headed to Vegas this afternoon with P, S, and others. We’ll…
Searched Google and got…ME?
I did a quick Google search this evening and what was the third site listed? Why, it was Notta Blog, the site you’re on right now! That was pretty sweet. Seems I’m moving on up in the world, if the Goog recognizes me… π
Major Project Sooooo Close…
The big project I’ve been working on now for 2 months or so (6-8 weeks with one group, and then 2-3 more with the team I’m on now) is so close to being done I can taste it. I almost want to make plans for earlier in the day than when it’s due…but know that…
Happy New Year.
Hang Overs. Waking up late. The Rose Parade (complete w/beautiful California weather, always). Football. Naps. Resolutions. Fresh starts. Bitter ends. Reflections. Happy (end of) Old Year. Happy New Year.
My New Year’s Resolution
My sis and her friends from camp are in the next room. I’ve been listening to them gossip and chat and sing and play all evening. They’re so cool. I remember when I would have friends over and would play all night long, but I think I remember it ending before senior year. The sis…
Home sweet home…
Got in to CA late last night after a crazy evening in the Indianapolis airport. I’m pretty lucky to have made it back, the process of getting on a flight out here was no fun… Went to breakfast with my dad this morning, and I rolled the windows down. “It’s pretty cold out,” he said.…
Rachel to Warhol
RacheltoWarhol Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I just Photoshopped a pic of my cousin so that it looks like an Andy Warhol rendition. Pretty cool, ey? I think so…props go out to the flickr technique group.
My car is covered! (IMG_4031)
My car is covered! (IMG_4031) Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. It snowed like crazy last night! It’s literally a winter wonderland. I’ve never been in snow like this. Last night there was not a drop of snow on the ground, and now, all of a sudden, there’s 6 or 7 inches! My feet sink in when…
iPod in my future?
I’ve been researching digital music players recently…not sure if I actually need one, but storing all my music in a portable device would probably be nice. I’ve been wondering…what’s so cool about the iPod that makes it so much better than everything else on the market? I don’t know…but they sure do look cool. If…
EyeBeeEm π
Turns out IBM is less wonderful than previously announced. The computer is going back again at the end of the week. I think they’re gonna give me a new hard drive. I’m still sick. Went to the health center yesterday and saw a PA who said he lived in San Diego for years. We reminisced…