My New Year’s Resolution

My sis and her friends from camp are in the next room. I’ve been listening to them gossip and chat and sing and play all evening. They’re so cool. I remember when I would have friends over and would play all night long, but I think I remember it ending before senior year. The sis and her friends are able to catch up at the drop of a hat. That’s how it is with camp people.

There’s just something different about people you meet at summer camp. It’s so easy to reacquaint yourself, even after you haven’t seen them in a while. My oldest friends are from camp. It doesn’t really matter how long we go without talking, when we sit down to coffee or a drink, it’s like we’re back at the chapel, or in the dining hall, or in the cabin, just like old times. I miss my camp friends, I’ll make a better effort to contact them. That is my New Year’s resolution.

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