Got in to CA late last night after a crazy evening in the Indianapolis airport. I’m pretty lucky to have made it back, the process of getting on a flight out here was no fun…
Went to breakfast with my dad this morning, and I rolled the windows down. “It’s pretty cold out,” he said. “HAH!” I laughed. I just sat in the car and felt the sun on my face…it had been a while. I was so happy when I was outside today…it was HOT. I’ve never said that I couldn’t live in a cold weather climate…I’m doing fine in Indiana, but I sure do prefer the California climate I’ve grown up with. For me, it’s just not Christmas* unless the sun is shining and there’s no snow in sight. That’s unfathomable for some, I’m sure.
It feels so good to be home. 😀
*Note: I don’t celebrate Xmas, but it still exists…which is meant to make this statement a bit funny…get it?
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