Turns out IBM is less wonderful than previously announced. The computer is going back again at the end of the week. I think they’re gonna give me a new hard drive.
I’m still sick. Went to the health center yesterday and saw a PA who said he lived in San Diego for years. We reminisced about the great weather and sights. Anyway, he gave me some medicine. I guess it helps the cough a little, but it also makes me tired and dizzy. I’m not sure which is worse.
I built a program yesterday just for fun. Actually, I’ve been doing that pretty regularly since learning PHP a few weeks ago. The program displays portions of a paper that I’m working on, and has checkboxes so I can mark off when I’m done with that section. I can also add comments and do some other stuff too. It’s pretty sweet. A few weeks ago I built a birthday tracker program that announces when it is somebody’s birthday. You’ll note this on the top of my blog, but not today (unless it’s somebody’s birthday today!). Add a comment if I haven’t already contacted you about your birthday (I already knew some birthdays, so don’t assume I forgot about you!).
Oooh, I’m feeling tired and dizzy, time for a nap methinks.
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