Running is HARD
I went running outdoors this morning. Let me tell you, there is a huge difference between treadmill and road running. I was in major pain throughout my run, and had to stop to walk a number of times. I cannot tell if it’s a psychological barrier or if it is actually working different muscles, but…
runTracker Additions
Check out the additions that have been made to the runTracker on the left side of the screen! If you’re a friend or family member, you’ll soon be receiving more information about my marathon training, and the cause that I am supporting, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Even if you’re not a member of my…
It’s Tami’s Birthday!
tambday Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Shout out to my sis, Tami, on her 18th birthday…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMI! (and welcome to adulthood 😉
Note the new runTracker!
I’ve put up the new runTracker utility that I built this evening! In case you didn’t notice, it’s on the top left area of the screen. It will let you know a little about my last five runs. At the bottom you will note the number of total miles I have run throughout my training.…
P to the R
cdShuffle Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. For those of you not hip to competitive running jargon (or maybe even for those of you who are…), this post’s title refers to one’s PR or Personal Record. When you run a race, or even in practice, you’re generally always against the clock, aiming for a new record. I…
Reading backlog
I haven’t told you what I’ve been reading in a long time…here’s a backlogged update: The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm by Tom Kelley Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister Software For Your Head: Core Protocols for Creating and Maintaining Shared Vision by…
Time to offload some aggression: Grade suffering, so I need to pay attention to Design Wiki I’m leading a discussion Wednesday night on “State Dependent Memory Produced by Aerobic Exercise” It would be great to get an internship…anybody have tips? Need to write letters to Informatics-related organizations for Iota Nu Phi, the National Informatics Honors…
It’s ugly…but at least it exists…
Microphone check it: My new website! Leave comments if you will…(I’ve been working on it for waaaay too long…yesterday evening and this morning…)
Happy 100th Entry!
Wow…I feel old…My blogging system thingy is telling me that this is my 100th entry…the time has gone by so fast. 100 entries in 5 months or so is roughly 20 entries per month. I’m happy with that, and hope that I can keep it up in the future. On such a monumental occasion, I…
Singing on the ‘mill
I’m not sure if I’ve said so before, but I’ve really stepped up my workout routine as of late. My apartment complex has a great gym, and it’s only about 500 feet away from my door. Really convenient, especially on those cold cold days. Anyway, going to the gym more has given me a fantastic…