Dropping names

It’s still always a little strange to see my name in lights. It doesn’t happen all that often, but still.

I’m still missing California a little, but my Thanksgiving trip to Phoenix helped that a little bit. The warmth was good for my soul. Sometimes I feel like I just need a good shot of sun, it always makes me a happier person.

Either way, thanks for the song, Kynthia.

One response

  1. glad to help.
    or, at least, pretend to help, because who knows if the song actually did anything for ya. 🙂

    what’s funny is i don’t think it’s better than the original at all, and some parts strike me as rather weird, but it is kind of fun to be bouncing around to a song i’ve known since i was a little kid, and the beat has its moments.

    and yeah, it was definitely a “i thought of josh because of his blog and my blog lets me tell him so!” kind of chain, so that’s happy.

    hope you are happy, too, my friend, and i’ll catch ya later.

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