I miss California

Josh on The Cliffs in LJ

Originally uploaded by josh.ev9.

As the days get shorter and colder here in Chicago, a feeling has been bugging me deep down in my soul. I’m missing California, and the feeling of being at home. I know if I were there now, I’d probably be unhappy about some things. The traffic always sucks. My rent would triple. I’d spend a hellofalot more time behind the wheel of my car.

Still, that warm sun does something to my disposition, and seems to make everybody a bit more upbeat. The winter time is tough, but I’ll get through it. Maybe I should plan a weekend trip to California one of these days…

6 responses

  1. the berk is cold and rainy today, but it’s probably a hellofalot warmer than chi-town. come visit!!

  2. Hmm… I went from the 50 degrees F coldness of Cleveland to 85 degrees F warmth of the bay area the last time I went home. All that crazy traffic is down in SoCal anyways :p. Had that for halloween weekend. Horrid 605!

  3. yeaaah…it’s still fairly warm out here. i’ll bet it’s kinda nice having snow for the winter though.

  4. […] I’m still missing California a little, but my Thanksgiving trip to Phoenix helped that a little bit. The warmth was good for my soul. Sometimes I feel like I just need a good shot of sun, it always makes me a happier person. […]

  5. […] But the one that captured my attention, thanks to Josh, was this one: […]

  6. Back East after 7 years in Southern CA, we are consumed with California dreaming and wonder why we ever wanted to come back here at all. What possessed us to come back to gray skyes, humidity, mosquitoes, rude people, dirty cities, Soprano type culture, attitude ridden minotities, potholes, dingy grocery stores and bad restaurants…
    Yes, all is much better in CA, starting with the sun.
    We will go back, and never leave.
    If you live there and are thinking of coming back East, don’t bother!

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