Pruning Photos

Football man!
Originally uploaded by josh.ev9.

Last week I read in an ask.metafilter forum that was discussing photography, and how to improve one’s skills. I’ve always wanted to be a better photographer, so I took a lot of the advice to heart. The most striking piece of advice for me seems to be the hardest one to follow. misterbrandt said:

“Oh, and edit ruthlessly. You will discard 80% of the shots you take (if you can’t bear to delete them, move them into a sub-folder or an external hard drive).”

I’ve decided to go the deleting route, because all those extra pictures just take up space in the long run. But it’s tough to prune all these photos. Many of them look similar, and it’s really up to my fine interpretation which ones should go. I guess this is just another one of those things where practice makes perfect. I’ll keep working at it.

I will admit, as I scroll through my most recent pruned list of photos I’m relatively happy with the results. Or, at least I’m happier with the results than I would have been had I not pruned.

Either way, check out my latest photos (from Thanksgiving) on Flickr.

2 responses

  1. pruning is the most work intensive part of photography for me.

    Anandtech has really, really good general articles on photography.



    Night Photography:

    Post-processing (Photoshop):

    Digital SLRs:

    If you find any good ones too, please send them my way.

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