Category: Uncategorized

  • BlackBerry test post

    So, did it work?

  • Where is Josh these days?

    Great question, weblog. Well, for the past few weeks I’ve been in Chicago, toiling away on the ThoughtWorks beach. Man, I never feel so busy as when I’m on the beach (the time you get when you’re not on a project). There are always a ton of projects to work on…people constantly asking for some…

  • Agile Design, a response to my friend’s quandary

    This evening Kynthia‘s thoughts got me thinking. Among other things, she said: “[W]e design heads get in this place where, just because we wouldn’t be caught dead releasing something into the wild, we think there is nothing to learn from it.” My brain took her thoughts on a tangent and went this way: So since…

  • Evolution vs. Revolution in Digital Design

    iPhone presentation Originally uploaded by Dan_H. One distinction many people make when defining a design project is whether the design will be another evolution of an existing technique, set of tools, or technologies, or if it will be a revolutionary implementation. This decision is most often made implicitly, generally without any direct thought about revolutionary…

  • The Themes of Good Design

    Most people who have worked with me up to this point have probably noticed that I have a strong urge to think about solving problems using Design methods and methodologies. This is not accidental. In my heart of hearts, I believe that the work I do each day will help make the world a better…

  • New Theme

    So I tried my hand at building a new theme for my blog. Let me know what you think. The actual implementation is a little buggy, but it’s getting there. All feedback is wanted, even if you think it might sound mean! Bring it on.

  • Hey, who are the newbies on PlanetInfo?

    Just a question. Feel free to introduce yourselves. 🙂

  • An Artsy Shot

    IMG_7595 Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I don’t quite know why, but I really like this shot a lot.

  • TWU Expecations

    What are your expectations for ThoughtWorks University, in 30 minutes or less? The only reason for the time limit is the fact that my meeting with one of my coaches in about 30 minutes, so I better get to it. Here goes… I’m just going to put my biggest expectation/goal out there right up front.…

  • Site update – new theme

    Just a quick note. I’ve changed the look of the page now that I’m back. Let me know what you think…I’m gonna sleep on it, and perhaps change it back. We’ll see.