Great question, weblog.
Well, for the past few weeks I’ve been in Chicago, toiling away on the ThoughtWorks beach. Man, I never feel so busy as when I’m on the beach (the time you get when you’re not on a project). There are always a ton of projects to work on…people constantly asking for some time. But it’s fun. I get to see a lot of new stuff, and occasionally get the feeling that I really am helping. But that’s work, and I want to talk about play…
Right now I’m in Phoenix, AZ, preparing for my cousin Lindsay’s Bat Mitzvah, which is tomorrow morning. She’s gonna rock it. Until then I’m working and hanging with family.
Then it gets interesting. After Lindsay’s party tomorrow evening, I’m headed straight to the airport. Then I’ll jump on a redeye flight to New York, which will put me there in time to catch another flight to Israel. “ISRAEL!?” I hear you say. Yup, cool huh?
Karen’s already there and we’re going to be doing some real, relaxing vacationing. Can you tell I’m psyched? Well I am.
There will be a lot going on in Israel, touristy stuff, a wedding here and there, and some hanging out with family. Good times. I should still have regular internet access though, so feel free to drop a line. 🙂
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