What are your expectations for ThoughtWorks University, in 30 minutes or less?
The only reason for the time limit is the fact that my meeting with one of my coaches in about 30 minutes, so I better get to it. Here goes…
I’m just going to put my biggest expectation/goal out there right up front. My goal at TWU is to end the course with an understanding of how I will apply User-Centered Design practices with the methodologies currently used at ThoughtWorks. I think this is a somewhat ambitious goal, which will probably continue and develop throughout my work at TW, but I think this goal is at least partially attainable in the next few weeks. I’m in a somewhat unique position with my background in HCI. The path for me in this realm is somewhat uncharted, so at this point I don’t know what to expect.
In order to achieve my goal, I’ll first have to have some sort of understanding of Agile Methods, which I’m assuming we’ll learn right at the start. I hope to learn to use Agile to my advantage, but be able to tweak it enough so that truly great software can be created. To be honest, at this point I am unsure about the process, and uneasy about the idea that code may be written on day 1 of a project. This gives very little time to do the research needed in order to really understand the nature of user needs, right? How can people be interviewed, analysis made, and prototypes created in a matter of hours? Is this possible at all? I wonder.
Another big question: Do agile methods create software that regularly meets user demands? I don’t mean the (simple) explicit demands that a customer makes, but the implicit ones that come from really understanding the nature of the work at hand. Are these customers just appeased in the end…sufficiently happy with the software…or are the pleasanly delighted at the way their work practice is changed? At this point, I just don’t know.
Of course, there are other things that I want to practice. At the bar last night I had a discussion with a group of my peers who will be developers and realized that I have never really had to think deeply about implementation details in my projects. These people have a huge focus on implementation, so I really think I need practice working with them.
What else…oh! Life! I expect to be able to get outside and have a life. This should not be all about work, but the experience…both in and outside the classroom. I want to see India. Eat the food, smell the spices, do some shopping, go on hikes, see the sights, etc. I also think I’m the type of person who needs help practicing the whole “work/life balance” thing…so that’ll be much needed.
Mostly, I want to be challenged and prepared for my real work life. I know it won’t be exactly the same, but I want to be able to practice my job in a place where mistakes are acceptable, and learning is expected. I want to have fun and get to know my peers from around the world. I want to have it all. So let’s go get it.
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