Category: Uncategorized

  • I’ve made it back to La Jolla

    Josh on The Cliffs in LJ Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Life is funny sometimes, in a fitting way. It seems that I nearly always end up where I want to be, despite taking relatively awkward, indirect paths in order to get there. This blog entry will describe two cases in point…who knows where I’ll end…

  • I feel good and chafed

    This morning’s run was a rousing 20-miler, the longest I have ever run. The first 10 miles were quite amazing. I was so surprised at how easy that half of the run went. I hit the 10 mile turn-around point and was feeling really really good. Then I kept going and around mile 15 or…

  • Quick Roadtrip Update

    This will be a quick one! I woke up in Colorado Springs and now I’m in Boulder, waiting for S to finish a business call. This evening we will reach Grand Junction, CO and take in some rest, then tomorrow we’ll make the long trek to Las Vegas. We had previously planned to stay in…

  • We’re not in Kansas anymore…

    Josh & Sarthak check out a field of wheat in Kansas Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. S and I have been roadtripping it from Bloomington to our current location, Denver, for the last few days. On the first day we made it from Bloomington to St. Louis and then to Kansas City, MO. Once we made…

  • Josh touching the arch in St. Louis

    Josh touching the arch in St. Louis Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Wow, I owe some blog posts from waaay back. A lot has happened since the last time I posted, but for now, just a picture…maybe more. Here I am *touching* the Arch in St. Louis. Sarthak and I stopped through here on our road…

  • To Blog or Not to Blog

    Wow, check me out. I’ve fallen off the horse. Haven’t blogged in a week…that’s the longest I’ve gone since starting, I think. Sorry about that. I probably shouldn’t expect people to read Notta Blog if I don’t do some updates…unless you use some sort of RSS Feed Aggregator, which I highly recommend. It’s that finals…

  • Plucking My Email Heartstrings

    I was inspired the other day into a line of thought that has not been able to leave my head. I’ll try to explain what I mean, but I’m still in the process of trying to make sense of it myself. Hopefully writing this entry will help. I communicate with so many people every day…

  • My South Park Character

    southpark Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Don’t ask how I happened upon this widget, or why I’m wasting precious time there, but it is interesting to say the least. I’ve always kind of liked the South Park tv show, but never found myself clicking all the way up to Comedy Central in order to get my…

  • Allergies effing suck

    Had my first bad allergy day 🙁 I knew it was soon approaching that time of year and have had random sneezes the last few days, but this afternoon and evening has been horrific. The meds I’m on (clarinex, claritin, and sudafed) are not helping one bit, and I just feel like crap. I forgot…

  • I’ve passed the goal!

    Training for the Marathon Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Many thanks are required this evening…after an evening of tabulations, I can announce that I’ve passed my fundraising minimum goal for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training. That means I can run the Rock ‘n Roll Marathon on June 5 without owing any money. Great…