Category: Uncategorized

  • the most valuable education system

    As I was doing some research at work today, I took a break and read all the away messages on my buddy list. I’d say this habit is prevalent among 90% of all AIM users under the age of 25. We all want to know what everyone is doing at all times. Anyway, while reading…

  • Google Ride Finder

    Blogging at work…first time, ever! (it’s my lunch break 🙂 You thought you were just a fan of Google Maps? Check out Google Ride Finder. I can’t wait till it comes to a city near me… Another exciting little innovation by our friends at Google.

  • FYI, Here’s the P & S

    Originally uploaded by Suzyq2200. Just in case you all want a mental picture of P & S, for when I mention them on the blog. Thanks to S for the photo…

  • Don’t want to forget to do this again.

    Josh & Rachel at Venice Beach Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I think I promised, didn’t I? I went up to LA to hang out with Rachel last weekend. Quick trip that one was. We had good times at Venice Beach and the 3rd Street Promeneade in Santa Monica. Good times in Los Angeles. For all…

  • Reflective Practicioner

    You should see me now. I’m sitting on the beach, literally. I’m here with my computer and a bottle of orange juice and miraculously, I have a wireless internet connection. Life is grand, in a very weird way. I haven’t felt that great today. It’s hard to go back to work after a long weekend.…

  • jMinder 1.0

    I’ve had a little pet project for the last few days. It was inspired by the needs of 2 people. First, in the past E has talked about having some sort of system that automatically reminds him of events that he preprograms. Now, my system tries to fulfill this need, but does so only by…

  • Cause all you really need are a few good friends

    Does music ever just speak to you? It did to me. The Format is a new favorite band. It took a couple listens, but I’m digging them now…thanks to P for the recommendation.

  • Boo, Apple, Boo!

    Yes, I am affected by this.

  • I need better internet access…

    It’s starting to affect me in ways I never expected. I continually think about what I would do right now if I had internet access. Often it’s “I’d blog about that” or “I’d check my email” or “I’d read my blogs,” etc. Anyway, soon enough I’ll have a bed in a house with wireless…all I…

  • Welcome to Intuit, Josh!

    Welcome to Intuit, Josh! Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Just got home from my third day at Intuit. The first day experience was pretty cool…check out the photos of my well-decorated cubicle. The people in my group seem cool, and there are likely a number of opportunities here to make taxes a less taxing situation all…