I feel good and chafed

This morning’s run was a rousing 20-miler, the longest I have ever run. The first 10 miles were quite amazing. I was so surprised at how easy that half of the run went. I hit the 10 mile turn-around point and was feeling really really good. Then I kept going and around mile 15 or 16 my left leg just died. Imagine 50 pounds of bricks tied to one leg…that’s how it felt. Hopefully my continued training as well as a higher salt intake before long runs will help remedy the problem.

I hope not to offend my readership with too much information, as I know I have done before, but when I got home I realized that the long run chafed the hell out of my skin. I think I forgot how different it is to run in really hot weather. I trained my body to adapt to the cold, and today I had to open up all the pores that went and forgot how to sweat. For those of you who aren’t already grossed out, I have three words to help you clearly understand my pain: bloody nipples, literally.

I “found” a new blog today, and it has inspired me to revisit my own online journal more frequently. I have been neglecting this blog, and I’m sorry for that. I have so much to say. I’ve been thinking, experiencing, planning, preparing, moving, reading, writing, creating, and on and on. So, from here on I’ll make a better effort to update the blog, if not for your sake, then for my own want/need to keep a good record of the events in my life 🙂 Oh, and the pictures will continue.

Until next time, have a wonderful weekend.

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