I really was tired

In my last post, I wrote from the airport and complained that I was tired and hungry. I tell you now that before I went to bed last night at 10:30, I had only had one real meal and 3 hours of sleep. No sleep and no food makes Josh really tired and delirious. Then I went to sleep and didn’t stop until 11:30 this morning. That felt gooooood. It’s been a really long time since I have slept like that. 13 freaking hours, that’s more than half a day. Lordy lordy.

Now I’m back at school. It’s going well, I’m really excited about the first two classes I’ve been in, and the third (which is tomorrow evening) should be cool as well. I’ll explain them more in-depth soon. I’m also an AI (Associate Instructor, AKA TA) again, for the same class that I did last semester: Intro to Human-Computer Interaction. I’m gonna know that book as if I wrote it. That’s probably a good thing.

Ok, that’s all for now. I’m off to work out (need to shed my holiday/vegas pounds) then am going to Borders with T and E to check out the books. Ponder this: why is it cool to go to Borders and hang out/pay for books, but uncool to go to the library to hang out/not pay for books?

One response

  1. it’s cuz the library doesn’t have a coffee bar and cool music wafting around.

    and i think the smell of new paper has a euphoric effect.

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