Live from Las Vegas

Entry originally written on paper at McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, NV

I’m tired. And hungry. Why is it that airports have expensive, yet shitty, foods?

So I am headed back to school tonight. I’ll be riding a redeye that’ll land in Chicago at 5am or so, then on to Indianapolis by 8 or 9. If all goes well, I should be at school an hour before my first class.

Winter break was interesting. Every time I leave home I forecast that it will be the last time that I’ll have had an extended, relaxing vacation at home. I’ve been wrong thus far. This trip home held plenty of good times, from two separate trips to Vegas to afternoon workouts with the Sis at LA Fitness to meals with old friends. I definitely got a lot done.

Overarching aspirations questions did go unanswered, however, but I guess one can’t have it all. Speaking of questions, I still owe answers to the ones I posed at the beginning of the break. Hopefully I’ll hit those up sometime this week.

While I’m apprehensive about doing real work again, I am rather excited to go back to school. True, it will be (effing) cold, but hangin’ with the Informists tends to be fun. We had some good times last semester & now that we all know each other a little better, this semester should hold many good times.

Writing here has been a good diversion. Perhaps I’ll add more later. For now, I’ll leave you with some lyrics that have struck especially close to home lately…

So this is the new year…
and I don’t feel any different.

The clanking of crystal…
explosions off in the distance.
In the distance…

So this is the new year…
and I have no resolutions.

It’s self assigned penance…
for problems with easy solutions.

So everybody put your best suit or dress on,
let’s make believe we are wealthy for just this once.
Lighting firecrackers up on the front lawn,
as thirty dialogues bleed into one.

I wish the world was flat like the old days,
and I could travel just by folding the map.
No more airplanes or speed trains or freeways,
there’d be no distance that could hold us back…
There’d be no distance that could hold us back…
There’d be no distance that could hold us back…

So this is the new year…
So this is the new year…
So this is the new year…

-Death Cab for Cutie, “The New Year”, Transatlanticism

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