Hit up the Bluebird last night. T’s boyfriend, N, is in a band that was playing…check out Percival Potts. Watched the band, had a beer, talked with B about his theories on women and relationships, payed my tab, and headed home. Others were headed to another bar, but I was just so tired from the night before that I had to get some sleep.
Drinking heavily really takes its toll on me…or maybe it’s the staying up late that kills me. All I know is that whenever I stay up until 2 or 3 and am drinking, the next day is a total loss. I napped for 2 hours yesterday and got next to nothing done. It did not feel good…I need to keep that in mind next time. T told me her theory that when you go to sleep after drinking your body is working so hard recovering that it does not allow you to reach REM sleep. I’m not sure how accurate that is, but could be at least partially true. If you don’t get enough REM the results can be tremendous and immediate, leading to short temper and sleepiness.
Right now I’m waiting for another T to show up to school so we can prepare for the lecture we’re going to teach tomorrow. That’s right, as of tomorrow I will have taught my first college class. I guess I did that once in undergrad as well, but I only got 10 minutes to discuss a topic, now I get an hour and ten minutes! Should be fun…nerve wracking…but fun.
Update on what I’m reading:
Studying Those Who Study Us by Diana Forsythe
Design Research: Methods and Perspectives by Brenda Laurel
Implementation by Nick Montfort and Scott Rettberg
Interaction Design by Jennifer Preece, et al.
W3 School SQL Tutorial (Great free computer tutorials here!)
Et c’est tout.
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