Mish Mash

Long to-do list today…but I’m too tired to start. Why is it that one is far less motivated to do things at the times when they have the most time free? One could say that I wasted this morning away…I’d prefer to think I relaxed it away. However you interpret it, I have a lot to do.

Last night I went out with some friends from school. We started at the Irish Lion, an (obviously) Irish pub that has the best stew. Stew is great on cold days, great comfort food. (On a side note, I look forward to making stews and chilis and soups once I purchase a stock pot. If you come across one for cheap, let me know!) The Irish Lion also sells beer by the yard, that is they serve you a beer in a glass that is a yard long. They’re hard to drink from, but fun nonetheless. I chose a half yard, because I wasn’t into drinking an entire pitcher of beer in a single sitting.

We later moved on to The Upstairs Pub, which had no cover charge (always a plus). It’s a cool bar because you can chill there, and there’s no false pretenses looming in the air. That is, no one is overly dressed and trying to act cooler than they really are. At the same time, it’s not a dive bar, so the people are at least a bit cool.

At the end of the night we jogged over to La Bamba’s…the local late-night burrito joint. Reminded me of my old college days…how many nights did I spend in cheap-ass taco shops? How I long for one more California burrito at Lolita’s, or a Jumbo from Roberto’s II…the Mexican food is fine here, but it’s no San Diego…

I bought a CD yesterday on a whim, and am so far *very* pleased with my purchase. Jimmy Eat World’s “Futures” is awesome…go get it.

In online media news, I downloaded a novel this morning, Implementation. I believe it is only being released on the net. The first part of the first chapter is pretty entertaining. You should read it. Thanks to jill/txt.

Final note: to those of you on the West Coast (including Arizona), I’m now on East Coast time…Indiana doesn’t change it’s clocks. That means I’m 3 hours ahead of you…just FYI. Enjoy your weekends.

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