New Blog
newWeblog Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Look how much brighter by blog is now! Tell me what you think! I also noticed that the comment functionality has been broken…
4 min read
Old Blog
oldWeblog Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. This is what my blog used to look like. Today I spent some time and changed some of the colors…
4 min read
Another Evening Wasted
So I’ve been working on this Javascript thing all afternoon/evening. What a massive waste of time… This is the result: Check it out
4 min read
My First Real Portfolio
I’ve been working on my portfolio for the last few hours. By portfolio, I actually mean my “real, honest to goodness, and without doubt” design portfolio. I’ve had…
4 min read
Why must technology suck
I swear, every time I have a seamless experience with a computer, something bad has to happen. This afternoon (which has now become evening) I’ve been turning an…
4 min read
The World’s Big Rocks
I’ve been thinking really big thoughts this afternoon & evening. I keep thinking these thoughts about designing things that are sustainable. Part of me really wants to study…
4 min read