The essence of a song
I wish I could post the “essence” of a song. You know? It’s not that I need the lyrics, or the singer’s voice, or anything really other than…
4 min read
A Little Challenge
Here’s the deal…I have some questions. I’ll pose it, then you should comment on it. I’m really tired lately! Why is that? How could technology help this problem?…
4 min read
My Quiz
I made a Quiz for You on QuizYourFriends.com CLICK on the link below or PASTE it into your browser. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/yourquiz.php?quizname=051123214837-512833
4 min read
The most most accurate search engine
I’ve thought about this idea for a while. Lots of people seem to think they prefer Google to any other search engine…but I’d say that if you did…
4 min read
Chart Junk
This is priceless. Imagine someone presenting this in class. I especially like figure 11. Why you should continue to date me; a series of charts and graphs.
4 min read
Strongbad drawlings
strongbad Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Tonight Will & I took turns drawing Strongbad (and also Homestar Runner). What do you think of our renditions?
4 min read