Category: Uncategorized

  • Welcome Back, Josher

    Came back from my weekend trip to Chicago this evening. When I first got to the airport in Indianapolis, I had no problem finding a parking spot. Well, that isn’t quite true. First the machine wouldn’t give me a ticket, then I couldn’t actually find a spot for my car…but other than that I was…

  • Reading…

    There is SO MUCH reading to do! I swear, all I do is read…here is a sampling of the things I’ve been reading lately: Emails A for-fun book Lots and lots of school reading Blogs Websites Some not for-fun nor for-school books Assignments Things I’ve written Computer Program Code Menus Street signs Newsgroups Tests (which…

  • Background and Foreground

    It’s all about background and foreground. Attention is the key to everything we sense. There are so many sensations our body receives in a given instant that it would be wholly impossible to perceive them all at once. Right now you’re looking at the computer screen, but the foreground is the word you’re looking at,…

  • An Intro to Blogging

    Hey all, not much interesting going on today, so I thought I’d write a little primer on the world of blogging. (How should one pronounce ‘primer’? I lean towards the ‘prymer’ pronunciation, while I have heard ‘prim-er’ used often as well.)…Let’s get started. Some of you may have no idea what the word ‘blog’ means.…

  • Shapiro’s Deli

    Went to Indianapolis this morning for lunch with J…I’ll let him have some semi-anonymity, despite the picture. We went to Shapiro’s Deli, apparently it’s kinda famous in this area. It was pretty good…my first real corned beef sandwich in a while. Mmm mmm good food, and good to see J. His theory is that people…

  • Autumn in Indiana

    Went for a drive out to Brown County State Park this morning. I must say, it was rather breathtaking. Mid-October is the peak of the “changing of the colors” season. I can’t think of a more descriptive term for that. Basically, all the trees have changed from green to yellow, red, orange, or some mix…

  • “Resolution Man”

    So I skipped yesterday as far as blogging goes. I’m disappointed in myself. Before that I had been so diligent for nearly a week. I hope I did not lose many from my legions of fans. But seriously, why are you all so demanding!!?? “Josh, you need to update more often,” said one reader. Jeeez!…

  • Presidential Ties

    In these last weeks before the presidential election, everybody is looking everywhere for reasons to get people to vote for their team. In this matter, I think symbolism is very important. Has anybody noticed the ties worn by the candidates during the three debates? In case you weren’t paying attention, I’ll give you an update:…

  • Setting the Curve

    I experienced something this morning that I have not experienced in a long long time. The other day I wrote about the first test I’ve taken in grad school, and it turns out that my score set the curve. Wow, that hasn’t happened since high school. There is a certain sense of pride that one…

  • Dinner Discussions

    I really have to write a paper, but I’ll make a quick entry just to keep myself happy… Just had a discussion with E and W over some good lasagna about the role of parenting and the ability for one to be responsible for their situation in society. Sounds rather complex, and it is…especially when…