Welcome Back, Josher

Came back from my weekend trip to Chicago this evening. When I first got to the airport in Indianapolis, I had no problem finding a parking spot. Well, that isn’t quite true. First the machine wouldn’t give me a ticket, then I couldn’t actually find a spot for my car…but other than that I was fine. I chose to park in what they call “Economy Parking” which is one step down from “Tiger Parking,” and two down from “Premiere Parking.” At $5.50/day, I felt like Economy was a steal. Plus, what did the other lots offer for the added money? Well, for starters they would have dropped me off at the door of the airport, rather than across a bridge from it, then the driver would have taken my bags off of the shuttle for me. But the payoff came this evening, when I exited the airport.

As I walked outside with my huge bag (filled to the brim with brand new clothes 😀 ) I realized that the line for the Economy Parking was amassing quickly. As people smoothly walked on to the Premiere shuttle, I was pushed and prodded and made it onto the second Economy shuttle that came my way. When I finally sat down with one cheek on the seat, I looked around and realize that this situation was great. See, while Premiere parking pampers it’s customers with great service at a premium rate, Economy is made for a segment of the population that I really enjoy being with. Heaven forbid that humans should ever have to rub arms with one another! I think it’s great to squish onto a bus with others who are just like me…each person teeming with enough stress to make them excited to get off the shuttle, but not so mad about the service. People like to think this world works as if “you get what you pay for.” I think that people should look around and make the most of their situations…it may just turn out that paying less gets you a whole lot more than you bargained for…

Oh, and BTW, Happy Halloween!

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