A Trip to Chi-Town

I’m in Chicago visiting family. Good times. Last night I went out for all-you-can-eat sushi. It was so good. I really miss sushi when I’m in Bloomington. I guess it’s not really their fault, they are just a bit too far away from water. Chicago definitely treated me well as far as fresh, uncooked fish goes. Tonight I went for some *world-famous* pizza at Gino’s East Pizzeria (sp?). Also fantastic. Chicago is one of those places in the world where you can get any kind of food you want at any time of day. L.A. is kind of like that. N.Y.C. is definitely like that. I would like to live in a place like that, but probably just for a little bit. You lose a lot when you have that kind of freedom. These types of places tend to be crowded, and loud. It’s the places where you can get some real peace of mind where the food isn’t quite as varied…

I also went shopping today with Mom. Got some good clothes for cold weather. Shopping is one thing I really cannot do online. I’m always so worried that the clothes won’t fit. Then when they don’t I have to send them back and expect for my money to somehow show up on my credit card. It’s just so troublesome. This is either a marketing problem, or one for the HCI community. Somehow the architecture of the internet has not allowed me to get comfortable with buying clothing…other things I will only buy on the internet (like technological goodies). Somebody has to get me to buy clothes online…maybe I can invent a really reassuring way of going about it. Time to start thinking about it…

Ok, that’s enough for now. I’ll update again when I get back home to good ol’ Indiana.


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