Sub 6er
So today I took the shackles* off and ran on the indoor track again. It felt pretty good, though I feel like I may be coming down with some sort of sickness in my chest. I did a mile warmup, then decided to do some semi-timed mile runs. Two of them to be exact. They…
Yup, that is most definitely the sun!
Graphic Design Homework
*FRUSTRATION* So every single time I sit down to do some sketches for a Graphic Design I realize like halfway through that I missed the itty bitty little detail that was meant to trick me in the assignment. WTF? Maybe the teachers are trying to tell me to pay attention…so perhaps I’ll eventually learn, but…
CES 2006
IMG_6124.JPG Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I got back this evening from CES 2006. CES stands for the Consumer Electronics Show. It’s in Las Vegas every year. This is the fourth year in a row that I have been to the show. I went with the fools you see in the picture, plus Vince, who isn’t…
Matt y Josh
IMG_1004 Originally uploaded by lime124. Good times at Tif’s 25th.
From waaaay back
IMG_0754 Originally uploaded by Square714. True to Puneet form (don’t ask me why), suddenly some of Puneet’s old old pictures are up on Flickr. This one right here is from UCSD’s Sungod Festival in 2004. Sungod is a yearly event in which nearly all of the students at UCSD get “fucking wasted” and have fun.…
Winter Break 05
Ok, sorry. That’s all I’m going to say. Just sorry. I’ve got a case of the lazies. There’s something about being at home that just pulls the blogging spirit right off of my “to have” list. I have been thinking about blogging a lot, just haven’t had the willpower to do it. I’ve been quite…
just a taste
“To me, religion is about our dignity, not our depravity.” – Yann Martel, Life of Pi That’s just the tip of the iceberg…
On my competitive nature
I’ll copy the warning previously seen at Erik’s SnowedIn: Warning: If you are easily bored by long drawn-out descriptions of running, you should probably skip this entry. For a change of pace, I went to IU’s HPER (School of Health, Physical Education, & Recreation) Gymnasium to exercise this morning. HPER (pronounced “hyper”) is a huge…
Marty Party
I can’t believe nobody on PlanetInfo has blogged this yet…come on y’all, look alive! 😉 I’ll just blog the part of it that I found interesting, and I’ll depend on the rest of you to fill in blanks as you see fit. So Marty‘s party was initially to be of the regular ol’ holiday variety,…