From waaaay back


Originally uploaded by Square714.

True to Puneet form (don’t ask me why), suddenly some of Puneet’s old old pictures are up on Flickr. This one right here is from UCSD’s Sungod Festival in 2004. Sungod is a yearly event in which nearly all of the students at UCSD get “fucking wasted” and have fun. There are bands and booths and other festivities, and it is always a good time. For the rest of the year, nobody at UCSD drinks or has fun…that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s certainly not far from the truth.

After this particular Sungod festival, I had the honor of getting pulled over. Luckily I hadn’t had anything to drink for a number of hours before the end of the festival, so I wasn’t at all intoxicated. Lucky!

Many a good time was had at Sungod…

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