Category: technology

  • UCD @ TW: What You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know

    When I came to ThoughtWorks University a little less than a month ago, I set as my main goal the task of discovering what kinds of User Centered Design practices were occuring at ThoughtWorks, and how I could help progress those tasks. After two blazingly fast weeks of class, I’ve learned a lot, hopefully taught…

  • My Agile Excitement, Part 1: Stories are based on Users

    As noted in my first agile worry, I am often scared that features of a given piece of software will be built based on reasons other than user needs. Yesterday I learned that story cards are, indeed, quite user centered. The format we learned for creating a card is as follows: As a [ person…

  • It’s all starting to come together…

    …a little bit at a time. So yesterday at TWU we had a session called Analysis in Context, which was (for me at least) exactly what I have been looking for in terms of lessons that I can wholeheartedly agree with. During the session, the “dirty secret of software development” was revealed to us. I’ll…

  • Welcome to ThoughtBlogs

    As of today I am a member of my second blog aggregator. The first was Planet Informatics, the place for all thoughts Informatics. I’ve been welcomed now by ThoughtBlogs, the blog aggregator for ThoughtWorks, my new place of employment. Yesterday’s article was commented heavily, and the responses were amazingly insightful and positively stated, even for…

  • I’ve got some ‘splaining to do

    Why hello there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Why yes, yes it has. First off: I’m sorry. I’ve done this to my readership all too often in the past few months. I haven’t blogged in weeks, and I feel bad. But I think I know why it happened. I think. It all started about…

  • Holistic Experiences, Creativity, and the Brain

    Summary: When studying user experience, the brain and its activities need not be considered in terms of separate function. For the past few days, I’ve been taking in the following image, linked to me from the blog of a future coworker of mine, which was originally linked from here. In science today, many people spend…

  • Gmap Pedometer vs. Forerunner 101

    For my birthday this year, Puneet bought me a cool new Garmin Forerunner 101. For a number of reasons, though mainly because I have tended to workout indoors rather than out lately, today was the first time I had a chance to try it out. I have to be honest…I’ve been a little skeptical of…