Why hello there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Why yes, yes it has. First off:
I’m sorry.
I’ve done this to my readership all too often in the past few months. I haven’t blogged in weeks, and I feel bad. But I think I know why it happened. I think.
It all started about 6 weeks ago… Cue dream sequence…Â
Just before I left “planet earth” (pseudo-home in Chicago) and headed off to New York with my mom. I blogged about 6 times in one day. You didn’t see it all at once though…all the entries were cued up days in advance, so that my blog stayed lively even as I traveled from NYC to Europe to California and beyond. And it worked! Everything was updating regularly…well nearly everything.
See, I got so used to my computer’s timer updating all my posts for me automatically, that I sort of fell out of sync with the blog. Sure, I made some posts here and there, but I wasn’t commited to being regular. I think this is a side effect of a lot of stuff going on with my life right now…but mainly it’s this:
I have no regular schedule at the moment.Â
I’m such a freebird at the moment. I’m not so great at unscheduled time. I, like most, am a creature of routine. This routine is in absentia at the time being. That’s soon to change though!
On Monday I start my new job at ThoughtWorks.
Here’s what’s gonna happen: On Monday morning I’ll head in to Corporate HQ (that title is all mine) and we’ll do the basic training stuff. I imagine they’ll collect my tax info, make me fill out direct deposit info, and do the other basic stuff. In the evening I’ll go home and pack. Then on Tuesday I’ll rinse and repeat, adding some special sauce to the lather. At 3 pm the company has arranged for the corporate limo to take me to the corporate jet. Wait…no…
At 3 a taxi will come pick me and my new coworkers up and take us to O’Hare Airport. Then for the next 16-20 hours I’ll be on planes en route to Bangalore, India. Hopefully my jet lag will wear off soon, and then I’ll start my REAL orientation for the next 6 weeks. I’ll be home on September 28th.
“But Josh, what does this mean for us, your readers?”Â
Well, it means that my schedule is due to become regular again soon! That means you’ll see more blogging!
Well I’m glad you’re all excited, because I am too. Nobody likes a silent blogger, and I intend to end my recent stint as one.
I’ll be back…
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