It’s all starting to come together…
…a little bit at a time. So yesterday at TWU we had a session called Analysis in Context, which was (for me at least) exactly what I have been looking for in terms of lessons that I can wholeheartedly agree with. During the session, the “dirty secret of software development” was revealed to us. I’ll…
My Agile Worry, Part 1: Marrying Code
So we’ve started delving a little deeper into Agile Development today at TWU. Today we discussed the balance of quality and timebound delivery, as well as iterative software development and adaptive planning. Below I’d like to discuss an issue that is near and dear to my heart, an issue that really worries me about Agile…
Holistic Experiences, Creativity, and the Brain
Summary: When studying user experience, the brain and its activities need not be considered in terms of separate function. For the past few days, I’ve been taking in the following image, linked to me from the blog of a future coworker of mine, which was originally linked from here. In science today, many people spend…
Quotable Capstone Prep Quote
“There are rules in graphic design, Tiffanie…It’s not ‘nam.” – Erik to Tif, after asking for advice on her capstone poster
Software Apartheid
The obnoxious behavior and obscure interaction that software-based products exhibit is institutionalizing what I call “software apartheid,” where otherwise normal people are fobidden from entering the job market and participating in society because they cannot use computers effectively. In our enlightened society, social activists are working hard to break down race and class barriers while…
Save the Internet!
Is this a Sci-Fi horror story? Nope, it doesn’t look like it. In fact, congress is voting next week on the issue of Net Neutrality which, despite its difficult to decipher name, is a vital issue to everyone who uses the internet today. Here’s the deal: AT&T and other big telephone companies who transfer internet…
My body is made of plastic
Had a wonderful ride into work this morning. It’s a 2.5 mile ride from home to office, probably 2 miles of that is pretty flat, but right at the start there’s a huge huge huge hill that just kills every time. Tuesday I made it a little more than 2/3 of the way up before…