My body is made of plastic

Had a wonderful ride into work this morning. It’s a 2.5 mile ride from home to office, probably 2 miles of that is pretty flat, but right at the start there’s a huge huge huge hill that just kills every time. Tuesday I made it a little more than 2/3 of the way up before I absolutely had to get off and walk. I remember looking out at this sign post thinking to myself, “Ok Josh, just make it to that sign, then you can walk.” Miraculously, today I was able to make it to that sign without even noticing, and rode nearly the entire hill. At the end I started dying (probably because I ate breakfast right before walking out the door), so I walked again and rode the next 2 miles into work.

Yesterday at the climbing gym I was actually able to do some climbing. Everything before yesterday was basically just a warmup routine. I’d get on an easy traverse path, pick some relatively simple problems, and climb until my body was sore. Yesterday, however, I was actually able to climb around until I was sweaty and tired overall, because my body is now able to support me.

I love getting in shape, if for no other reason than the fact that I get to witness my body adapting to change. I see my muscles adapt to the demands and stress, and I can actually feel the plasticity in my brain. That’s right, I can intuitively notice how the neurons in my brain are talking to each other in new ways, and know that new neurons are being generated to support the old ones so I can learn become a more adept athlete. I love the feeling of learning, especially when the learning is in the form of tacit knowledge, the kind where I don’t have to worry about learning the stuff. I just have to keep doing it and my body will eventually take over. Next time you take on a new task check up on yourself every week or so, and realize that your body is changing in ways you’d never normally think about.

A little over a month ago my body was primed to run a marathon. I am simply amazed that in so little time it can begin to change its form from runner to climber to cyclist and back again.

One response

  1. I am really jealous that you are climbing! I have been wanting to do more climbing for a long time, but it requires a level of organization+money that escapes me. Brian and I talked about it, and we might go this summer some time. We should go down to the climbing gym on S. Rogers when you get back!

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