I think I just decided that I have varying levels of entertainment for myself, dependent on my level of tiredness(man, I wish I could think of a better word than that…). Generally when I’m blogging I’m in a somewhat tired mood. I tend to add entries either in the early morning directly after waking up, or in the evening before I head to bed. The current situation is the latter.
When I’m not very tired, I like to do things like go for a drive or pick up a good non-fiction book. When I’m a little more tired I’ll read a non-fiction, or do some online reading. Then when the tiredness level reaches a certain point I go for a movie or television. This is generally a mistake because it often makes me even more tired.
Why is it that lying lazily on the couch and watching the ol’ tube-o-vision can put one out like a light? I don’t know, but it does it to me nearly every time. Perhaps it’s because one’s brain is in the process of growing mold, so it protects itself by going to sleep. Wow, someone with a degree in something like Cognitive Science should really never come up with a theory like that one…what’s wrong with me? I don’t know, maybe I’m just tired…I’m gonna go watch some TV now…
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