A couple topics of note occured today. First, and probably most exciting, when I cracked open my egg as I was cooking breakfast, I was surprised to find two yolks! In the same egg! Astonishing! I’ve heard this could happen, but had never actually witnessed it. Apparently this was an instance of identical twin chickens. Too bad I don’t eat yolks, or else I would have been in for a special treat.
Had a big presentation this morning. I’m on a team that is designing a solution for the SIG CHI Student Design Competition. (SIG CHI is another acronym…it stands for Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, and is part of the ACM, or Association for Computing Machinery.) We presented our initial design solution, and I think we got a fairly positive review. However, there is still a lot of work to be done, so we definitely should not let this early success go to our heads. After all, we’re competing not only against those at our school, but from schools around the world.
As a reward for finishing the presentation E and I went to see The Incredibles. It is the best movie I’ve seen in a long while. Outstanding plot, script, action, animation, humor. Just fantastic. If you haven’t seen, go.
Apparently my Hint, Hints have worked! My mom sent Designing for People and The Art of Innovation as a Channukah (Hanukah, Hannukkah, Hannukah, Chanukkah?) present. There’s always more reading to be done, and that is somewhat exciting…
Ok, off to bed…must try to wake up early tomorrow so I can get my work out on.
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