A simple experiment

I’m conducting a simple experiment with myself this week. As I drove to school last Wednesday around 10:30AM, I kept thinking about how early in the day it felt to me. I then immediately thought myself a fool. 10:30 in the morning should not feel early! So I’ve taken it upon myself to go to bed a little earlier and wake up correspondingly. Last night I went to bed around 11 and woke up at 7. (Which is in comparison to my normal bedtime between 12 and 1, and wakeup between 8-9.) Tonight I’m going to try to go to sleep around 10. I think I’ll wake myself up around 6:30.

Today the experiment did not go well…I got really really cranky in the afternoon, and needed a nap. As per T’s advice, I’m gonna give it a try for a few more days, because my body has to get used to the sleep schedule. In any case, I’m taking a risk because I have a test on Friday that I should prepare myself for.

I’ll keep you all updated as to my progress…

One response

  1. But aren’t you up the same number of hours either way? I mean you have the same number of hours to be productive in…I guess the question is are you more productive in the morning or at night? Either way, just enjoy getting your sleep on…

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