While perusing a friend’s new site this evening, I realized that it has been a long long time since I last blogged. That’s just no good. A lot has been going on…so let’s play catch-up.
- Karen’s sister had a baby! That put me in New York City for a few weekends in mid April. Welcome to the world, Matthew.
- I missed out as a bunch of my friends headed to San Jose for CHI2007. From the pictures, it looks like they had a great time. I’m sad that I missed out.
- I’m on a project for work in North Carolina, and I even get to work with some real designers. Generally, I’m the sole designer on a project, but on this one I’m just one of four. It’s great because we get to bounce ideas off of each other. Still, the design bit is tough for me because I have less context in the design space than they do. But I do get to play with some new technology…the jury is still out on whether I’m a fan. It does look cool though. The problem is that I’m really interested in Open Source stuff now that I’m a real life contributor to a project…so we’ll see how far this goes.
- I’ve started to use Twitter. You can follow me through my days & nights.
- Last weekend I was in Denver for ThoughtWorks Away Day. I did a talk about Contextual Design…it was pretty well received. But more on that later.
- In the last 38 days I’ve been at home for roughly 48 hours. (And some of those hours are distributed among separate days…) One could say I’m homesick. Oh what I’d give to sleep in my own bed.
- I’m sure there’s more.
Right now I’m getting psyched for some visitors, it seems that’s what May is all about. Sarthak, Sejal, Puneet, Scott, and sister Tami are all coming out to Chicago, and in that order. I can’t wait to see all of them.
All right, I think we’re caught up for the moment. More later.
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