Open Usability

Well here’s a pretty cool idea. The Open Usability Project connects open source developers with Usability Experts with some time and resources on their hands. Maybe if I get a little beach time* I’ll step it up.

* When you’re not assigned to a project at TW, you are put on “The Beach,” and are supposed to find interesting projects to keep you busy and learning.

2 responses

  1. Are you sure it’s not “The Bench” as in on the bench? 😀

  2. Yup, I’m absolutely sure. Here at ThoughtWorks, even people who aren’t on projects can contribute to the growth of the company…heck, they may even be able to help the company grow more than if they were on a project. That’s why the “bench” metaphor just doesn’t work. We’re all top players, no matter what role one’s filling at a given moment.

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