Blog Drought

Wow, quite a drought I’ve had on the ol’ blog lately. I got some flack from Karen this evening about it, so you can all blame her for this. The truth is, I’m tired…quite tired…and needing to vent, so maybe I should do that.

Why am I so tired? School is why. Job searching is why. Volunteering to be on a “how to conduct a job search” panel is why. Staying up past my bedtime doing things like blogging is why. My job is why.

I just realized that some of you might have read the title to this entry and pronounced it Blog Droft. If you did that, please leave a comment. It would cheer me up oh so much. Man, that would be great.

I need new music. I need new weather. I need new shoes. Oh, I really need the new shoes. My running shoes are getting close to their limits, and I think it’s my knees that are taking the biggest beating. I’m sure my raggedy old everyday shoes aren’t helping either. Perhaps I’ll go shoe shopping this weekend. I’m due.

Don’t be fooled…I’ve got good stuff to talk about too, but perhaps I’ll do that in the morning. That’s not a promise, though. (If you pronounced that last word thof, please leave a comment. Again, it’ll give me a good laugh.)

5 responses

  1. I hear ya on all of those points. Especially the shoes. I need new shoes like mad. Mine are literally falling apart. Come on tax refunds!

    Hey, we should get together for some wine and cheese sometime.


  2. i didn’t pronounce “drought” like “droft”, but it’s interesting that you brought (not pronounced “broft” and doesn’t rhyme with “drought”) this up. english seems like a silly, silly language, but the spelling of some of our silly words actually represents (in many cases) the original pronunciation of the word. fascinating, i know. yay linguistics! 🙂

    Note from Josh: I heart my brilliant sister. 🙂

  3. If you think you need new shoes, I would suggest getting them NOW. I know quite a few of the injuries that I’d sustained throughough running in high school and undergrad cross country could be directly attributed to seeing if I could get “one more week” out of an old pair of shoes.

  4. I didn’t even read the title, I just got to the good stuff first. Does THAT make you feel better?

  5. Balaw-GUH drow-ga-HIT worrr…. werrr… werked for MEH! for MEH! Blawguh draw-ga-HIT wer-ked for MEH!

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