Boooored by my website

So I’ve been ruminating about my website a lot lately. Most often these ruminations take place in my head, but I’m starting to move them out in to the world through conversations and sketches and thoughts in between. To be frank, I’ve grown bored of the design of my site. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with it in particular, it’s just that I’ve looked at it so much that it has become boring to me.

I’m not sure what I intend to do about that. I don’t really have the time to code a new site from scratch. I suppose I could just play with my stylesheets and change the look-and-feel to something new-ish, but I want to do so much more. Here are a list of things I’d like to do, in no particular order:

  • Improve the visual layout, typography, and overall design of the site
  • Make it easy for myself and others to add content (possibly via a wiki, but at least via some sort of commenting
  • Convert my blog from MoveableType to WordPress – This is for a number of reasons, but mainly because I’ve been bothered by a lot of things in Moveable Type: lots of errors have popped up, and the Open-Sourceness of WordPress is quite inviting
  • Make my blog more visible from my webpage – Right now my blog is simply a menu item…I would like it to stand out more, that might make my site more dynamic
  • Give more visibility to all the other sites on my domain that I frequent: My Calendar, My Capstone Wiki, jMinder, etc.

This is a good list to start with. At least I can just look at it, at most I can act on it. There just seems to be so much else going on at the moment…gaaaar.

If you can think of anything else I might do to, or have any critique of the current one, please let me know.

One response

  1. Just curious, I work with the Movable Type team and I’d love to know what kind of problems/frustrations you’re having with your site. We’ve got a number of exciting new developments coming for the platform soon, but if there are things that are annoying you now, we’d love to have a chance to improve them.

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