
This post is directed at no one in particular, but should be understood by all.


adv. – In a definite manner; with precision; precisely; determinately. (courtesy

There is a finite way to spell definite, remember that. We can get through this together, I’m here to help 😉

5 responses

  1. Definately!

  2. sallybamma Avatar

    man, apparently it was 9:25 in the AM when you posted that. I don’t think it made sense then… and I don’t think it does now. I’M SLEEEEEEEEEEEEPY. But enough about me, how are YOUUU???

  3. sallywonka Avatar

    aww man, I just saw the “you get to pick and choose comments page.” I hope both of these make it. My last one could’ve come across as harsh, but I didn’t mean for that. I really am tired (slash I went to a bar this eve) and it’s hard to comprehend things Crossing my fingers. ***

  4. As stupid as it sounds, I really had no idea I’d been spelling that stupid word wrong. All these years…. I guess that’s what you get for using spell check all the time 🙂 I’ll definately start spelling it right.

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