Had a big presentation today, err…yesterday. It was supposed to be forty minutes long, but I ran over the hour mark. Good stuff. Lots of questions by the professor and students in the class, and I think I did a good job answering them. At one point it even became comfortable to be up in front of the class. I always get so worked up about presentations. Something about them just makes me extremely nervous. Nerves eventually waned, I just needed to be up there for long enough.
Went on to have a relaxing and interesting evening. Let’s just say my crepe-making skillz can use some work. I needed a night of fun, though…since I’ve been tearing my hair out with work lately. The fun doesn’t stop…I’ve still got more catching up to do tomorrow. Grading + wiki + National Center on Accessibility. Not to mention the fact that I haven’t run in days. 14 miler coming up Saturday. I’ll try to do 5 tomorrow if I manage to wake up.
It’s been a while since I really sat and thought about life. I jot down notes here at Notta Blog, but they’re (semi)coherent and public, which leads to the painting of beautiful pictures. I need a forum for me, myself, and I…if there’s time for that. Perhaps I’ll simply keep notes in my head…
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