Whirlwind Tour of SD

Talk about a whirlwind tour of San Diego…I was back in the land of my Alma Mater for the last day and a half. It was nice to get back, as brief as it was. It’s hard to remember how great the weather is there. Those who live there now: you don’t know how lucky you have it.

In the last 2 days I’ve slept almost 6 hours. I’m gone at this point, to the point of oblivion. I’m not sure I could keep up if I had a job that required me to travel like this. Amazingly, sitting on an airplane for hours at a time day after day is rather gruelling. If they had the internet up there I think things would be much better. Someday soon that’ll surely be the case.

Had a set of interviews with a company that shall still remain nameless. I think they went well. I have a new theory about interviews. It’s not earth shattering, but I think it is important: Just Be Yourself. If a company doesn’t want you to work for them after you’ve shown them an honest picture of who you are and given them an array of your strengths, then you probably don’t want to be working there. I am dead-set on working for a company in which I can be respected by those who preside over my work, and which allows me to think creatively about problems I am interested in. If a company can’t offer me that, then I’m out.

I must be careful, however, when creating silly theories about this topic. I must take into account the fact that I am only 22 years old, and have no one really depending on me for sustainance. I have the ability to walk in to a job interview and be myself because there is (relatively) no pressure on my back. Of course, I have to eat and the only way to do that is to have a job, but it’s not like I’m raising children at this point. Those who are in that sort of position surely have to act especially carefully in a job interview, because it is more likely that they will not be able to support dependants without the job…anyway, enough musings on this topic.

Shout outs go to Puneet, Suzanna, Nava, and Fuad, for managing to make time to hang out with me on my tight schedule. Special shout outs go to the Ice Man, Sarthak, for coming all the way to SD from the OC just to see little old me…oh yeah, and he risked his job in order to do it.

I’ve got some sleep to catch up on…piece out.

2 responses

  1. Iliana Wrakoninbub Avatar
    Iliana Wrakoninbub

    ohmigosh! you know Suzanna too? That lady is SUPERFLY!

  2. nameless Avatar

    hey I know suzanna too! She is so hot!

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