Yep, I’m a Barack Backer.
He’s able to stir up emotion in me that I haven’t felt for a politician in years and years. And for a young yet disillusioned American like myself,…
4 min read
Bill Buxton Inspires Me
The greatest lesson I learned at Interaction08 last weekend was from Bill Buxton, during his keynote talk. Here’s his list of things that, as a designer, you must…
4 min read
Heading home to my Valentine
happy bokeh wednesday! by Disco ♥ Tetris. It’s been a really freaking long road trip. After 18 days away, I’m ready to be home for a while. It…
4 min read
Super Tuesday 2008 Infographic Design
As I’ve mentioned before, election night is one of my favorite nights of the year. All the big media outlets pull out their infographic design “big guns.” One…
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The Potential of Bathroom Air Dryers
It’s a really nice bathroom sign. It really is. But seriously, can we do something about the air dryers in this country? I appreciate the fact paper towels…
4 min read
My Sister the Photographer
DSC_0037 by tevnin. I love this shot. She got a sweet camera. Color me jealous. Real jealous. Yay Tami. Maybe I’m due for a new toy…
4 min read