Don’t want to forget to do this again.
Josh & Rachel at Venice Beach Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I think I promised, didn’t I? I went up to LA to hang out with Rachel last weekend.…
4 min read
Reflective Practicioner
You should see me now. I’m sitting on the beach, literally. I’m here with my computer and a bottle of orange juice and miraculously, I have a wireless…
4 min read
jMinder 1.0
I’ve had a little pet project for the last few days. It was inspired by the needs of 2 people. First, in the past E has talked about…
4 min read
Cause all you really need are a few good friends
Does music ever just speak to you? It did to me. The Format is a new favorite band. It took a couple listens, but I’m digging them now…thanks…
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Boo, Apple, Boo!
Yes, I am affected by this.
4 min read
I need better internet access…
It’s starting to affect me in ways I never expected. I continually think about what I would do right now if I had internet access. Often it’s “I’d…
4 min read