blog my read
I’m still really surprised when people tell me they read my blog. It happens somewhat regularly in conversation. I’ll just be talking to someone and they’ll drop in…
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updates are a comin
I swear. I just have to let them congeal a little bit and form a cohesive whole. SB06 rocked. More to come soon.
4 min read
Google Mars
First there was Google Maps. Then there was Google Earth. Eventually we got Google Moon. Finally, we have Google Mars. (It’s about time.)
4 min read
4 min read
Musical Jackpot
So Puneet told me about this a while ago, but I’ve stumbled back upon archive.org’s Live Music Archive. It is quite awesome, and I’m currently listening to a…
4 min read
Arms Race
Arms Originally uploaded by Square714. Alternate title: “Photograph: Funny Human Being (Circa 2006 AD)” Oh Puneet, I love it when you break out the engineering diagrams when discussing…
4 min read