TWU Expecations
What are your expectations for ThoughtWorks University, in 30 minutes or less? The only reason for the time limit is the fact that my meeting with one of…
4 min read
Lunchtime @ TWI
Lunchtime at ThoughtWorks India is great. They have a small cafeteria with plenty of table space (if you’re willing to squish a little). The meal is an Indian…
4 min read
TGIFridays? In India? Yep.
Where did I eat dinner yesterday? DAMN! Good guess! Oh, you saw the title…right. So yeah, a group of us went to the local TGIFridays for dinner last…
4 min read
TWU Day 1: Slooooooooooooow
The first day of work in India is about to come to an end. For those not in the know, TWU stands for ThoughtWorks University, the training program…
4 min read
Welcome to India!
IMG_7484 Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I made it here to Bangalore. It was quite a long journey: 2 nine hour flights, back to back. Craaazy. We went from…
4 min read
Site update – new theme
Just a quick note. I’ve changed the look of the page now that I’m back. Let me know what you think…I’m gonna sleep on it, and perhaps change…
4 min read