Agile Design, a response to my friend’s quandary
This evening Kynthia‘s thoughts got me thinking. Among other things, she said: “[W]e design heads get in this place where, just because we wouldn’t be caught dead releasing…
4 min read
Agile anti-pattern: Developer-focused retrospectives
On most software projects, there is a far higher percentage of developers on a team than any other role. In general, this works to the team’s advantage. The…
4 min read
Meet Josh: Allergy Edition
Josh is officially allergic to the following allergens: Grasses: Rye Redtop Timothy Bahia Johnson Trees: Ash Birch Maple Oak Walnut Cottonwood (Popular in Chicago!) Cats (Not all, but…
4 min read
Linux for the Creative Type?
Call me a Design+OSS fanboy, but UbuntuStudio looks awesome. Finally an Open Source operating system aimed at us designerly folks. I know, I know, all that software has…
4 min read
FYI: Free Stuff for Mother’s Day
Skype CoPilot
4 min read
It’s been a while
While perusing a friend’s new site this evening, I realized that it has been a long long time since I last blogged. That’s just no good. A lot…
4 min read