San Diego deals with major fires
Here’s to all my friends in San Diego coping with the fires. I went to NYTimes.com today and found that Bonita, CA (my friend Jason’s hometown) had made…
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Our deepest fear
Time for a quote: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not…
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Doing Good Enough
One of the greatest things about being in Israel is the abundance of amazing hummos places. These small restaurants sometimes serve foods other than hummos, but many times…
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Israir Flight 102, Ten minutes after takeoff
“Ding!” And immediately the belts were undone. Ten of them, at least, simultaneously unlatched. One man shoots up, his tsitsit swaying, as he opens up the bin above…
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Where is Josh these days?
Great question, weblog. Well, for the past few weeks I’ve been in Chicago, toiling away on the ThoughtWorks beach. Man, I never feel so busy as when I’m…
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A day at the ballpark
Welcome to Wrigley! Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Today was a great day. Jason and I headed to a Cubs game at Wrigley. Man, that place knows how to…
4 min read