On Toilet Paper

Another really quick entry…I couldn’t agree with this more.

One response

  1. There’s also the alternate labeling for that diagram: “People who don’t have cats” / “People who have cats”. (or, as an alternate you can substitute “small children” in place of “cats”)

    While the “correct” positioning may be much better for the device’s intended use, it also makes it much easier for a small animal (or child) to entertain its (or his) self by batting at the roll until it’s depleted.

    So, next time you encounter the “incorrect” positioning, ask yourself “does this person have a cat?”. If the answer is “no”, it might be interesting to see if they had one while growing up or had a parent who did — it could be that they grew up in a situation where the “correct” way wasn’t appropriate and the other way was a learned behavior.

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