I cleaned my room this morning just after I woke up. That is a semi-standard thing for me to do on a Sunday morning. I hadn’t cleaned, or even set up, my room since moving in nearly a month ago, so it was definitely heavily needed. There’s just something so refreshing about having a clean space to be in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the kind of person who cleans and cleans and cleans, but when I am in my clean room I am generally in a much better mood. Why is that? I wonder.
Here’s one hypothesis: So basically, our brains are order-making machines (I’m not trying to say that our brains are machines, cause that’s a whole different debate). Any time we are confronted with a set of details, facts, objects, etcetera, our brain tries to understand the objects with reference to one another. In a cluttered environment, we are so busy trying to make sense out of all of the objects that it is difficult to focus on anything else. When you’re in a clean environment, it is much easier to focus on the things that you want to focus on. My point? Clean your room, you’ll think better 🙂 Agree? Disagree? I’d love to hear your opinion on this debate…comment it!
I’d like to give a hearty congratulations to all of my friends who graduated this weekend. It’s a huge accomplishment (though it may not seem that way) and you should be proud of yourselves. You are brilliant! Here’s to Cindy, Clara, John, Nava, & Puneet (yes, you too). Congrats!
I have felt so tired today. I think it’s due to the fact that I went to bed at 5 in the AM on Friday night/Saturday morning. Had to help people celebrate the end of finals week. Life’s rough 😉 I’m definitely paying for it today though. I’m always really tired 2 days after staying up late…does that make sense? I’m generally fine the day after staying up late, but the second day is always much more difficult.
Ok, I must sleep. This will be an interesting week at work…I’ll be conducting some usability sessions toward the end of the week. The beginning of the week will be dedicated to gathering materials. Hopefully I’ll do some climbing this week too. To all you fellow Jews out there, have a fantastic Shavuot, which I totally forgot about until I was reminded this evening!
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