Speaking the Truth

A great life lesson I learned from one of my past professors was that sometimes you don’t know what you really think about a subject until you write it. I find this is also true of speaking. For me, it seems that it is only at the point which I have expressed the thought that it actually becomes part of my belief structure. Sometimes I haven’t thought about something at all before it etches its place in the place where I store my beliefs.

Sometimes this point is hard for me to understand. Every once in a while I’ll utter something that I have known to be true for a good amount of time, but it only sinks in after I say something to someone about it.

I’ve come to believe that the power of expression is tantamount to any other human ability. It is the fact that we can express our thoughts out loud, on surfaces, and in digital form that has caused our “domination” over other species, and not only because it helps others to understand us, but because it causes us to know ourselves.

I said something yesterday that I hadn’t really understood before, and after that I knew it to be truer than ever.

One response

  1. suzahnah Avatar

    now I’m curious… are you allowed to speak the truth you speak of…

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