Heck of a workout

I went to the gym this morning for the first time in a long time. Since the marathon I’ve been trying to exercise outdoors more. I’ve cycled, ran, walked, and climbed (though I guess climbing doesn’t really count because it was an indoor climbing gym). For some reason, though, I feel like this workout routine isn’t giving the results I’d like to see. That is, I don’t feel like I’m doing any of them regularly enough to feel a difference. When I was training for the marathon, I felt light on my toes, and I had a lot of energy during the day…but that was because I had a routine. There’s something about going into the gym that helps the routine continue to function…

I was soooo tight today. My muscles felt like blocks of wood as I ran. Stretching was rather painful. This pain should subside in the next few weeks, though. I think the reason that I’m so tight is that when I ride my bike I don’t do any stretches. Basically what I’m doing when I ride without stretching is loosening up my muscles to their maximum potential, then sitting in an air-conditioned building and allowing them to shrink down to an ultra-tight level. Then I do it again at the end of the day. Bad bad bad. Note to Josh: stretch during & after exercise, always.

So yeah, got my jog on this morning, then stretched, then did some other exercises for the joints in my legs and arms. I want a strong core oh so badly. By core, I mean I would like for my joints to be really strong and lubricated. When most people talk about their core they mean their abdomen…but not for me. Maybe there’s some new jargon I need to learn…naw, I’d rather keep making up my own.

I feel that this entry has been poorly written from start to end, so that’s that. I’m gonna end it riiiiight now.

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