Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding
Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding Originally uploaded by hevnin. A hearty congrats to Carolyn & Ralph. They were married last weekend in CA. I wish I could have been there…Carolyn’s watched me (& my sister & all the other CH kids) grow up, and has been like a second mom. I wish you two all the…
I Heart Bluetooth
Bluetooth is rocking my socks right now. I love the fact that it takes no time at all for me to pass files between my PowerBook and the iMac at school…it’s so convenient. That’s all. Carry on with your Easter Sunday.
More You Don’t Know Josh
109-0947_IMG Originally uploaded by Square714. Ahh, college…
The Josh You Never Knew
107-0766_IMG Originally uploaded by Square714. Yup, that’s me alright. Or at least was me…
Oodles of Matzo
I’ve held out for too many days of passover without getting Matzo, so on the way home tonight I stopped by Kroger to pick some up. It turns out they only sell matzo in sets of 5 boxes. In each box there are roughly 10-12 big giant crackers. Now, I don’t think my entire family…
A Very Happy Birthday Indeed
IMG_6420.JPG Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. Yesterday was an awesome day, another fantastic birthday. 24 feels good, same as 23 for the most part. Last night, after a 9pm to 10pm phone interview, I headed out to Yogi’s to meet up with a group of friends. I haven’t been out in a long long time, and…
It’s almost April 5
And you know what that means!!! At 1:02 a.m and 3 seconds, tomorrow, on April 5, 2006, it will be: “01:02:03 04-05-06” Scientists say that’s once in a lifetime! I’ve received that email about a million times now… What else is on April 5th…hmm?
Six Fifteen
Went for the Friday morning run. Was feeling good, though running a little late. Warmed up. Decided to go at race pace. Wanted to see where I was at, how my body is adapting to regular exercise. One mile. 6 laps. Ready. Set. Go. Lap 1: 50 seconds Laps 2-5: 55-65 seconds Lap 6: 60…
Sallymander surprise
Happy early birthday to me! I stopped by the Informatics building this morning to check my mail (My office is in a building on the other side of campus) and to my surprise I found a BIG GIANT BOX! I popped it open and found birthday presents! Wahoo! Until this point it didn’t really sink…
Unintentionally designing for cheesiness
I listenened to a podcast this morning that was called “7 Steps to Successful User Interface Design.” It was created by and for a company called Classic System Solutions and played out like a really bad infomercial. I was just ready for the main speaker to scream out, “Just Set It!” then allowed the over-enthusiastic…